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Facing my fears

runner at the starting block

A New Adventure

It’s not that I haven’t been doing counseling for over 30 years — I have. This new adventure, however, is different.

Since graduating from Abilene Christian University with my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, all of my counseling work — whether in private practice, helping with churches, or working for other clinics — has been part time.  For many years, I worked full-time in other jobs, in order to support my family and assist my wife during her struggle with chronic pain (read her story here). With my cancer journey (I get cancer every 30 years), I needed to continue to work towards good retirement and health plans.

It's scary

With my full-time work nearing its end (I will be eligible to retire next year), I will finally be able to build my people-helping practice up to being a more substantial and impactful venture. Is it exciting? Yes. Is it scary? Absolutely. Will those fears stop me? Nope.

How about you?

Are there exciting yet terrifying things in your life? Are you tempted to stop moving forward because of those fears? It’s natural to let them slow you down, but let’s keep facing forward and trudge ahead. The adventure is worth it!

— Jim